Purpose: Having the right tool for the job makes the job so much easier. As an HVAC Install Team Member or Service Technician, you are required to have the tools necessary to fully and properly complete each job. The Company can assist with tool purchases from our supply warehouses by following the procedure below.
Note: The Company vans are stocked with vacuum pumps, recovery machines, recovery cylinders, and nitrogen bottles. You don’t need to buy these tools. The Company does not provide refrigerant gauges or nitrogen regulators.
Note Two: In general, it is not a good idea to borrow tools. If you break or lose someone else’s tool, it is your responsibility to replace it.
To benefit from this policy,
- All personal tool purchases should be made on a separate invoice with your name listed in the Purchase Order section.
- The invoice must be submitted to the Office*.
- The Company will pay 10% of the invoice. You are responsible for the balance.
- The Company will deduct 10% of that balance from your paycheck for the next 10 weeks.
- You can increase the rate of repayment, if desired.
- Should you leave the Company for whatever reason while having a balance due on your Tool Account, that balance will be deducted in full from your final paycheck.
- Tool purchases under this policy are limited to $500 per month without prior approval from your Supervisor.
* the Office = Matt